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Prostate Health

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men, after skin cancer. The American Cancer Society's estimates for prostate cancer in the United States for 2019 are:

  • About 175,000 new cases of prostate cancer
  • About 32,000 deaths from prostate cancer

In addition, many men struggle with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an age-related non-malignant enlargement of the prostate gland, and prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland.

prostate diagram

Prostate inflammation, and potentially prostate cancer, occur when prostate cells are being bathed in toxins and are stagnating without fresh blood or proper nutrients. This is the result of a poor diet, a toxic colon, and toxins in the blood and tissues. The prostate functions as a filter to protect the sperm from toxins, so it is extremely susceptible to toxic influences. In addition, the prostate is located near the most toxic section of the colon.

With the high levels of toxicity prevalent in our urban living, including toxins from food and water, and poor diet, the prostate is the most vulnerable male organ, resulting in these high numbers of enlarged and cancerous prostates.

Does this have to happen? No! Can you do something about it? Yes! Through colon cleansing, implanting of therapeutic substances via suppositories, and other lifestyle and dietary changes, many men are finding that the prostate can return to full health very quickly.


Essential Oils for Prostate Health

BPH Essential Oil Blend - We have formulated this special therapeutic-grade essential oil blend to support overall prostate health and help you reduce BPH swelling, ease pain, and optimize urinary function. This blend contains frankincense, myrrh, orange, sage, peppermint, and geranium.

Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - This special therapeutic-grade essential oil blend can help reduce swelling and improve urinary function, increase circulation, improve sexual function, ease pain, and prevent infection. This blend contains rosemary, myrtle, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, sage, and tsuga.

How To Make Essential Oil Suppositories

Dee Dee Delkamp, CCT, CNC of the Optimal Health Center explains the many benefits of using suppositories containing essential oils and demonstrates how to make them.

Dietary Support: Prostatrol Forte

This unique formula is specifically designed to help men who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and/or prostatitis. Prostatrol Forte takes a comprehensive approach by addressing all the mechanisms that are responsible for BPH and prostatitis. Saw palmetto extract reduces the amount of hormonal stimulation of the prostate gland. Nettles root extract blocks estrogen binding and pygeum inhibits the effects of growth factors on prostate cells. Both saw palmetto and pygeum reduce the inflammatory pathways that feed prostatitis. Zinc is necessary for prostate functioning. Selenium destroys free radicals and is needed for proper prostate function and may reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.  BUY PROSTATROL FORTE

Detox Program

In order to make it easy for you to detoxify your body, we offer an easy-to-follow program, which is laid out in my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health. The 35-day program consists of three 10-day phases followed by a 5-day fast, for a full cleansing of the body.

You can heal from your prostate issues. Please try out the ideas above on your own or with help from us.

Client Testimonials

"Never felt better, Kristina. Just turned 66 and feeling great on your recommended enema series, with the daily prostate suppositories."   ~ Jerry M.

"Just started with colon cleansing. After having compromised prostate health for many years, I am seeing positive results in a short period of time. I am using the essential oil blend for BPH. After just four days using a BPH suppository at night after the enema series, my symptoms of BPH are greatly reduced! Thank you for this powerful information and great products!"   ~ Mark K.

"Two months ago, I had a PSA test because I was frequently waking up at night to urinate. The PSA test was elevated. I felt scared about prostate cancer; a friend of mine had died from it a couple of years earlier. However, I wanted to try improving the outcome of my second test before I took it as I wanted to avoid a biopsy. When I returned from my doctor's appointment, I immediately spent time on Google researching prostate health, BPH, prostatitis, prostate cancer, wellness, and more. Thank God I came across your website, found your information about the enema series and the prostatitis essential oil blend, and decided to give it a try. I am happy to report that last week, I went back to the doctor, had another PSA test, and it came back normal. I did the enema series 3-4 times a week and the suppositories each night. I can't thank you enough. Please use my story."   ~ Frank F.

OHN Note: Men who report prostate-related difficulties often undergo PSA testing, along with a digital rectal exam (DRE), to help doctors determine the nature of the problem.

Prostate Suppository Kit - Large Diameter Tray Prostate Suppository Kit (Large-Diameter Tray)

This kit for natural treatment of prostatitis and/or BPH includes everything you need to help you heal at home with essential oil suppositories.

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Prostate Suppository Kit - Small Diameter Tray Prostate Suppository Kit (Small-Diameter Tray)

This kit for natural treatment of prostatitis and/or BPH includes everything you need to help you heal at home with essential oil suppositories.

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Rounded 21 Cube Suppository Tray Rounded 21-Cube Suppository Tray (Large Diameter)

Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 21 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum.

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Rounded 20 Cube Suppository Tray Rounded 20-Cube Suppository Tray (Small Diameter)

Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 20 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum.

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Coconut Oil Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - 12 fl oz

Coconut oil can be both a liquid and solid, which makes it the perfect carrier oil for essential oil suppositories, facilitating the absorption of other oils.

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Coconut Oil Ellyndale Organic Liquid Coconut Oil - 16 fl oz

Organic liquid coconut oil is great to use as a carrier oil for essential oil suppositories. Coconut oil is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal.

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BPH Essential Oil Blend OHN BPH Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml

This essential oil blend supports overall prostate health. Many of our clients report less pain and improved urinary function when using this product.

Sale Price: $49.99
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BPH Essential Oil Blend OHN BPH Essential Oil Blend - 15 ml

This essential oil blend supports overall prostate health. Many of our clients report less pain and improved urinary function when using this product.

Sale Price: $68.99
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BPH Essential Oil Blend OHN BPH Essential Oil Blend - 5 ml

This essential oil blend supports overall prostate health. Many of our clients report less pain and improved urinary function when using this product.

Sale Price: $26.99
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Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend OHN Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml

The essential oils in this blend -- rosemary, myrtle, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, sage, and tsuga -- provide support to the body to help overcome prostatitis.

Sale Price: $47.99
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Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend OHN Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - 15 ml

The essential oils in this blend -- rosemary, myrtle, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, sage, and tsuga -- provide support to the body to help overcome prostatitis.

Sale Price: $64.99
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Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend OHN Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - 5 ml

The essential oils in this blend -- rosemary, myrtle, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, sage, and tsuga -- provide support to the body to help overcome prostatitis.

Sale Price: $24.99
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Ortho Prostatrol Forte 60 Capsules Ortho Prostatrol Forte - 60 capsules

Ortho Prostatrol Forte is a supplement which supports a healthy prostate. The herbs and trace minerals work together to support healthy urinary flow and urination frequency.
