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Personal Health Consultations with
Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC

Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC

To get started, please fill out my secure online intake form.

I would be happy to help you with any part of your home health program. I charge an affordable $2.25 per minute to assist you via phone, for as many or as few minutes as you need!

After completing your intake form, you will be prompted to schedule a consultation time with me via my online booking system.

If you are an international client who would like to use WhatsApp for your scheduled consultation, please reach out to us at customerservice@ optimalhealthnetwork.com for instructions on how to contact me at the time of your consultation.

Read my Reviews
Read my Reviews
rating summary

I am delighted to help you with any of the following, and more:

With over two decades of professional experience helping people optimize their health, I want to do everything I can to support you in your healing!


Great Session
"Thanks, Kristina, for another great session and the follow-up notes! I look forward to more progress to come!"   ~ Sophie

A Pleasure Doing Business with You
"Thank you so much. The nozzle and soap arrived today, and the nozzle works just as it should. Kristina, and all of your staff, as usual it has been a pleasure doing business with you. I wish all of you a wonderful autumn."   ~ Jesse

Thank You
"I was happy to have the consult with you! I will look at all the notes and start with as much as possible."   ~ Julia D.

"Thank you for the call and recommendations. I am optimistic this will help continue to move things in the right direction with bowel, adrenals, and liver/gallbladder support. I'll be in touch as suggested in next 3-4 weeks to check in."   ~ Susan M.

Assistance with Candida and Dysbiosis
"Thank you so much for our conversation and the follow-up notes and protocol you prepared form me. I have placed my orders for the products you have recommended and will continue to follow my rotation schedule for the candibactin and disbiocide by mouth at this time as well as trying the essential oil implants and probiotic enema. I will avoid the vitamin C to prevent strengthening pathogenic bacteria and yeast and just use apple cider vinegar in place of the pancreatic enzymes at this time. Looking forward to speaking with you again soon and thank you again for all your assistance."   ~ K.K.

All of My Questions Are Answered
"Thank you so much for the call and the follow up! I look forward to starting the supplement regimen. At quick glance, all of these supplements contain things I've either read about and was wondering how to apply, or haven't heard of but look helpful. All of my questions so far are answered."   ~ S.O.

Life-Changing Protocols
"Thank you for taking such good care of Erin (my wife). After she engages with you, she is so excited she does a complete download on me. She's so happy. You have put her on a course for healing. I can attest that your protocols have completely changed her life — for the better. She was in constant pain and distress, now not. She stayed home, now ventures out. Trust that you are as important to me as her, and you're obviously answering your calling."   ~ Toby E.

Successful Incontinence Treatment with Enemas
"I am getting old; it happens to all of us if we live long enough. Several years ago I started having bouts of bowel incontinence. I lived in constant fear of soiling myself in a restaurant, store, movie, etc. Then I remembered my old friend... the enema. I found your website and have purchased a 3-Quart Flowmaster Kit and several nozzles (variety is the spice of life). My wife now administers a full 3-quart enema to me every 3-4 days. The incontinence is gone. Thank you for all you do and for really effective enema equipment. I wish you continued success."   ~ C.D.P.

Thanks for Wonderful Help
"My personal goals are doing fantastic. Blood sugar levels are 80 to 110. Today I weigh 179 lbs. I have backed off from taking the fast-acting insulin by 75%. Thanks, Doc, for all your wonderful help."   ~ P.T.

Lyme-Free Test Results
"Good news! I just got my comprehensive test results for Lyme and coinfections and I am actively lyme-free after a 3-month herbal regimen with NO doxicycline. Yippee!"   ~ B.G.

Quite Encouraged
"Thank you so much, Kristina! I am quite encouraged by our call today. I shall research!"   ~ Julee

Pet Consultation
"We liked you so much, I booked a consult for my dog this Friday!"   ~ Trisha
[Kristina also offers health consultations for pets.]

Consultation Was Very Helpful
"I found our consultation very helpful and will start to integrate these suggestions as I embark upon a new protocol integrating support supplements, essential oils, and the 3-step enema series. I will reach out and schedule a follow-up as needed to touch base and make sure I’m on the right track. I'm praying and believing that I will completely clear myself of all infections and will regain my health! I appreciate your kind words of encouragement."   ~ D.I.

Thank You for Helping Me
"Thank you for being one of my angels on this journey. Somewhere along the way I trailed off and thank you for helping me get back on track. "   ~ B.D.

Thanks Again for Walking with Me in This
"I am all about this diet and feel like it will be easy for me to stick to. And I'll get back to making bone broth. It's been a few years! I will set up a phone call to check in after receiving the supplements and beginning them. The raw milk will be new; curious to see how my body reacts. Thanks again for walking with me in this."   ~ D.A.

Most Appreciated
"Thank you very much for the session yesterday. Kristina was amazing. Most appreciated."   ~ L.K.

Thanks for the Personal Touch
"A million thanks for the special handling of the order I had placed and then used the wrong address. Thanks to you, it will be coming to my correct address. Thanks again for the personal touch in handling everything."   ~ J.S.

Thank You for All Your Help
"I can't say thank you enough for all of your help in this journey. I ordered my second mineral test and am excited to submit it to see what the results will look like. I've even had 2 more customers come your way with it because this has been such a lifesaver! I have been doing the 10-day detox. I have seen great weight loss, which I so appreciate."   ~ Kendra M.

Grateful to Have You on My Team
"Thank you SO much for all of your help. I am incredibly grateful to have you on my team. Just reviewing your recommendations now. Thanks again!"   ~ Ashley V.

I Am in Awe of the Positive Changes
"You gave me a wonderful consult a few weeks back, and recommended some supplements until my next MHA. A week into the regimen you prescribed, I am in awe of the positive changes. They gave me much needed energy and I feel SO much better! Your wonderful products are worth twice the price, a jillion times better than store bought. Can't thank you enough."   ~ Catherine H.

Great Info for My Healing Program
"Thank you for the great info how to help my healing journey to be more successful. I will go step by step let's see how my body is reacting to it. Thank you for talking to me and explaining everything."   ~ Zuzana J.

I'm Glad I'm Learning and Finding My Way!
"I just wanted you to know I just ordered another hair test yesterday. I want to see where I'm at with things. I've been struggling up and down with symptoms and I certainly have been learning so much more about insulin resistance and the way my body metabolizes things. I've lost some weight and have been really focused on labels and removing the bad stuff the last couple of months but I still have a lot of work to do to heal. I've recommended you to several women who are desperate for help and in search of answers. And I am grateful I found your site. So many people have limited resources and knowledge about these things and I'm glad I'm learning and finding my way!"   ~ Natasha D.

So Grateful for This Opportunity
"I so appreciate your wisdom, knowledge, and encouragement! I'm getting all of your recommendations lined up and am so grateful for this opportunity to turn my health around. I look forward to future consults."   ~ Lee-Ann A.

Excellent Care and Communication!
"Kristina and I met to discuss essential oil treatment for lingering symptoms of Lyme disease. She provided a sensible protocol that I am following now. She also told me that I should feel free to cry and rage when I need to, which I found extremely compassionate and insightful."   ~ Clara V.

I Really Trust You
"I am so thankful for your service. You really know what you are doing. I can see the passion you have for this work. I really trust you."   ~ Debbie B.

Staying Extremely Hopeful Using Enemas
"So that day a giant, 6-inch hard/rubbery substance came out of my rectum. Whatever that it was, it was causing mind-blowing pain, fatigue, and nausea. I have been moving my bowels daily since then. My fluid intake has increased. The ToxinPul has been working. Stool looks like it has webbing surrounding it. I still feel things in my GI that I intend to get out. Everything you recommend is a miracle. I am going to resume enemas tomorrow. I sit here at home today in shock that things are going so well for me. I stay extremely hopeful."   ~ Pat C.

Living a Full Life Again!
"The changes that have occurred in my life from working with Kristina are miraculous! I was homebound for two years with EBV, CMV, mycoplasma infection, and parasites. I have seen countless allopathic, integrative, and functional doctors. By 2019 I had only progressed to very light activity. Then I found Kristina! After doing her therapeutic enema series on a daily basis and working with her on diet, I am now working out 4-5 times a week and living a full life again! Thank you, Kristina!"   ~ Bonnie K.

Clear Help for Apprehensive Beginners
"Kristina was thorough in answering all my questions, affirming where I was reluctant in my first enema and high colonic. The videos on her YouTube channel were extremely helpful and the phone conversation answered my detailed last questions. She gave me courage. After hanging up, I did my first and had a successful high colonic. She also emailed a lot of helpful info for the next step. Appreciate that help, Kristina!"   ~ Laura B.

Informative and Inspirational
"My consultation with Kristina was great and inspired me to attempt the daily enema series. She is so knowledgeable without making the consultee feel diminished by lack of experience. Her gentle suggestions and approachable manner created comfort to ask anything I could think of! I was delighted to learn that she isn't a vegetarian as many in this line of work are. That was refreshing. There is so much to undertake in this detox protocol. Giving up meat would have been over the top!"   ~ Janet

Grateful for Your Guidance during the Pandemic
"Thank you so much, Kristina! We will go ahead and order the supplements and talk to you once all of our various test results come in. We are so very happy to know you and be able to talk to you at this time of health crises. We are sure we are on the right path to optimal health and are very grateful for your guidance and support!"   ~ M.E.

Kristina Is a Blessing!
"I came across a link to the OHN website while reading the book Do You Have the Guts To Be Beautiful? as I was struggling with some health issues. As I started exploring Kristina's website and watching her very informative videos, I decided to have a personal consultation with her. She was extremely supportive and inspiring and gave me some valuable recommendations. My body is responding positively to the treatment plan and I do feel like I am slowly healing. Thank you!"   ~ M.B.

Great Plan in Place!
"Kristina listened and understood my concerns and came up with a great plan for me. I can't wait to put it in place. I'm also going to purchase her book!"   ~ Catherine A.

Kind and Understanding
"My phone conversation with Kristina went very well. She was to the point and very articulate in her understanding of my hair analysis lab results and knowledgeable in what I needed help with. Kristina was kind and understanding. She made me feel at ease and comfortable when talking. I have been using Optimal Health products for 5 years now and I would recommend Optimal Health Network to anyone."   ~ James C.

clouds and sea

Incredibly Knowledgeable
"I really enjoyed my half-hour consultation with Kristina. She is incredibly knowledgeable. After battling a chronic health condition for 11 years, I have met with numerous health practitioners, and now I finally feel that I have a functional medicine practitioner whom I can trust and who will steer me in the right direction."   ~ G.H.

"I want to thank you for the kindness and compassion you expressed in our short consult time. I get the sense you really do care for your clients and have their best interest at heart. A refreshing change from my most recent experiences. None of the four past visits to medical doctors, although they are very nice people, had consideration to what I am doing right with my health care and discounted a lot of it. Feeling acknowledged is huge, at least for me."   ~ Veronica B.

Took Time To Understand My Concerns
"Kristina is the best. I've been to a functional medicine practitioner and spent a ton doing extensive testing for a horrible, painful, debilitating skin condition, as I was helpless. Yet Kristina is the only one who took time to understand my concerns and those of my kids (behavioral issues) and research and offer solutions and dietary suggestions for my whole family. No restrictive diets. Back to basics. Her therapeutic enemas are amazing. Skip the spa. Do this instead!"   ~ M.L.

New Points That No One Has Offered Before
"Thank you for all of the information. I had heard Dr. Saladino speak on several podcasts before, so I was aware of him and his philosophy, but remained partial towards the AIP/Wahls approach and didn't think I would have to consider going to that extreme to get well. I'm not a huge fan of meat, but will give this a go for at least a month and see what happens, and then I plan to schedule another call with you to touch base at that time. I have ordered the hemorrhoid and FMT enema supplies. I do appreciate you offering me up some new points to consider that no one has offered up before, so thank you! The time was well spent and although the carnivore diet will be hard, I'm going to give it a shot."   ~ Courtney C.

Very Pleased
"I was nervous about talking to Kristina, but I relaxed immediately upon talking to her. Her professional but kind voice helped me to relax. My questions were answered and she made suggestions as to what I could add to my protocol. Mentioning my shoestring budget did not make a difference to her. Her heart is to help people reach their optimal health. She encouraged me in what I have already applied to my protocol and also challenged me to give up gluten. I definitely will call again."   ~ Rachel T.

Knowledge through Experience Is the Key
"Kristina provided exceptionally useful information. I always appreciate it when a person's knowledge is so vast on a subject that you instantly know you are asking the right person, and the information you are receiving is without a doubt the truth. Knowledge through experience is the key. I felt instantly at ease, knowing I had met the right person to ask! Feeling at ease is of the utmost importance in consciously performing cleansing experiences for the mind, body, and spirit. Thank you!"   ~ Candace D.

The Body Is Miraculous!
"Getting stronger every day. Diffusing the essential oils and putting them on my skin in a carrier lotion to get my body acclimated to them so hopefully I can start using them internally soon. Cough is getting so much better. Probably only need a couple of cough drops per week. Other than that, no sugar and my body is loving it! The flavors of food are coming alive and my body seems to want as little salt as possible. I'm even getting my hydration back. The body is miraculous!"   ~ Janice Y.

Thank You for Your Kindness and Support
"You have imparted more confidence in me. I will continue using the enema series. I am looking forward to getting the soap and suppository supplies. I have the essential oils, salt, coffee, and chlorophyll. I do notice an improvement with the enema series, not a decline. I am hoping the enemas help the tone and health of my colon. I am taking the supplements. I don't have much gas. Thank you for your kindness and support. Many are worse off than me and we don't realize how much overall discomfort we feel when our bowels are not behaving properly. God bless you and your family."   ~ Joseph N.

▶︎ How To Administer an Enema

Loyal Student and Client
"You can trust that I am one of your most loyal students and clients. I am grateful to have discovered your website many years ago. I trusted your information and have implemented it with great results in my body, mind, and spirit. You will always be my number one resource in this "department." There aren't enough words to express how much I appreciate you. You gave me more life and you keep doing it with your teachings!"   ~ Rachel M.

A Positive Experience
"Kristina gave me some very useful suggestions and was very attentive to my issues regarding IBS. I would strongly recommend that anyone with digestive issues schedule a consultation. For me it was more beneficial than meeting with a gastroenterologist."   ~ Christopher S.

Let Your True Healing Begin
"Due to an oral surgeon removing two highly infected root canals, my body was flooded with toxins and a painful anal fissure developed. Finding Kristina was a blessing. Unlike toxic pharmaceuticals, the soothing essential oils she recommended calmed the fissure pronto. But it's not just the products. It's the inspiration given by Kristina herself. Being uplifted is a very big part of the healing process. Kristina guides you to believe in yourself. No judgment or criticism, just love and guidance."   ~ William C.

We Need People Like Kristina
"It was excellent spending the hour healing over the effects of war. Too bad humans have to go through war just to find common ground. Power, agendas, politics. It sucks, but it's up to us to figure it out. Please keep spreading the words of love and compassion, because without people like you, humanity really doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell."   ~ Daniel O.

Grateful for Your Wisdom
"I am so blessed by your website. I tell everyone. At 62, chronically ill and broke, I am so grateful to finally find a healer with wisdom, who keeps things affordable, and deeply knows how to use essential oils in the colon for profound healing results. Please keep doing what you are doing!"   ~ Michelle J.

Kristina Sincerely Cares
"Kristina genuinely and sincerely cares about helping people and that is evident in the way she communicates, how she asks questions and her approach to coaching. Her protocols have made a significant positive impact to my health and well-being and I look forward to continuing the journey towards even greater health with her guidance and support. She is a truly dedicated, knowledgeable, and caring professional."   ~ Karla E.

I Completely Trust You!
"Wow! This enema series thing really works. I am 71 and I haven't felt this great in years. My prostate is no longer bothering me. I didn't want to go the route of pharmaceuticals, and now my whole body seems to be appreciating what you are having me do. It's a great process. Additionally, I've lost all the weight I set out to lose - all 80 pounds. Whatever you tell me to do from here on out, I will do. I completely trust you."   ~ Sam A.

Thank You for Your Help and Advice
"Thank you again for your help and advice 14 years ago. I was recovering from colon cancer. I have never forgotten your help. I am now over 80 and still kicking. I do order my supplies from you."   ~ Gerald L.

So Grateful for Your Help
"I am so grateful to you for the help you gave me in just two sessions. My main problems which plagued me for years are gone!"   ~ Becky M.

Consult Extraordinaire!
"I have been ordering products from OHN for a number of years and finally made the commitment to do an HTMA test and get a consult. I was very impressed with Kristina and her approach to issues which are highlighted by the testing. Kristina creates a wonderful zone of comfort, in which you can freely exchange thoughts and ideas. I was able to find hope that there is better health ahead. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this experience."   ~ Ana G.

Very Pleased with My Experience
"Kristina is very helpful. She got back to me right away with the questions that I asked outside of the consultation. I am very pleased with Optimal Health Network."   ~ Ricardo I.

Thank You for All the Patience
"I am thoroughly impressed by the level of professionalism and personal care that Optimal Health Network provides. Their team is knowledgeable in their field and competent in working with you to restore you to good health. I wholeheartedly recommend Optimal Health Network and I am grateful for all the information they make available. What a gift to health and sanity! Thank you for all the patience, tips, advice, and insight you've provided. It's meant a lot to me!"   ~ Hadassah H.

An Answer to a Prayer
"Thank you for your support and all of the information you have provided. I will follow what you outlined, and I am looking forward to much continued healing. It feels good to have a plan! I am very thankful to have gotten connected with the Optimal Health Network. What a gift you've been on my health journey! Thank you for walking through it with me and offering me guidance and encouragement throughout. Such an answer to a prayer!"   ~ Angela W.

It's Working!
"I received the package yesterday and did my first healing suppository. I want to share with you the good news: it's working! I went to pee with no urethral obstruction, had no pain, felt no pelvic or bladder pressure, and most important, I could sleep well. I'm very happy and convinced that all the answers are available if we search and ask the right questions with an open mind and a humble heart and that there are always loving and caring angels like you and your team in our journey to wellness."   ~ Mathias L.

Top Notch!
"Kristina is a very competent and understanding health adviser. She has a great understanding of the healing process. I have put my faith in her for my health goals, and she has proven to be a very valuable asset to me. I have seen results in 6 weeks of following her protocol, and I am confident that I will see complete healing through her guidance and continued advice. When you need help, there is always someone there to give answers."   ~ Kendall B.

Forever Grateful
"I wanted to thank you and the Optimal Health Network staff for your wonderful products, the very helpful videos, and your availability for telephone consultations. I am forever grateful for the role you have played in my life."   ~ Jamari L.

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