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OHN Coffee Enema Essential Oil Blend - 5 ml
OHN Coffee Enema Essential Oil Blend
Sale Price: $25.99

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Product Details

80 drops in a 5-ml bottle

This essential oil blend is used in coffee enemas to increase glutathione levels even more than coffee alone is able to do. Glutathione reacts with free radicals (which cause cell damage) in the bloodstream and makes them inert. These neutralized substances are then dissolved in the bile, released through the bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, and excreted through the intestinal tract.

This essential oil blend also helps to stimulate liver cell function, optimize gallbladder function, stimulate the pancreas, remove petrochemicals, and support lymph drainage. Overall this oil blend enhances the action of the coffee enema and will balance the strong purgative effects of the coffee with its regenerative healing properties.

INGREDIENTS: Therapeutic-grade lemon, peppermint, tangerine, geranium, helichrysum, and celery seed essential oils; liquid coconut oil

Liquid coconut oil is used as a carrier oil, because it facilitates the absorption of other oils and provides antiseptic and disinfectant properties.

HOW TO USE: Drop 5-10 oil drops into one quart of your made-for-enema coffee solution. Alternatively, if you don't have time to take a coffee enema or enema series, use 5-10 drops in a coconut oil suppository.

• • Also available in 10-ml and 15-ml sizes

How To Make Essential Oil Suppositories

Dee Dee Delkamp, CCT, CNC, of the Optimal Health Center explains the many benefits of using suppositories containing essential oils and demonstrates how to make them.

Client Testimonial

"After researching products like essential oils, enema equipment, types of water filtration, etc., for more than a decade, your website has been one of the most informative and inspirational sites I have ever found. Your testimonials are a true blessing to someone who has floundered for decades with poor health issues (still getting better) and who walked away from "modern" medicine and doctors who could not listen or do anything to help. So for some of us, websites like yours (and they are rare) that actually talk about the colon and health thereof are essential!"   ~ Margaret J.

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Average Rating: #prk1 {display:block;}Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 6
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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Fantastic! August 28, 2023
Verified Purchase
Anonymous Customer
from OR United States
Love this oil!! Use it everyday.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Coffee Enema Blend May 8, 2023
Verified Purchase
Monica from TX United States
Helps cleanse and smells good too. Totally recommend.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great product March 16, 2023
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Shannon from TN United States
So thankful for this oil to make suppositories with for days I can't get the full steps in!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Love this product! August 15, 2022
Verified Purchase
Joanne Eng from Las Vegas, NV United States
This essential oil can be used in coffee enemas and use it as suppository. It promotes LV cell function, optimize gallbladder & pancreas function and also promote lymph drainage. This product is a must to have in stock!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I've come such a long way! February 14, 2022
Verified Purchase
Anonymous Customer
from NY, United States
Your essential oil drops SAVED MY LIFE. Your staff has been so amazing to me. I just wanted you to know that. My major problem was getting my rectum to open. Enemas were getting stuck, cleansing for colonoscopy did not work. I'm breathing, I'm a human being again, my brain fog is gone. It's been a battle, sad but true. My nails are better, my hair is better. I've come such a long way since I discovered you. I had been seeing a naturopathic doctor for 25 years and just because I am in the medical field I do not personally practice with them. Sadly, I just spiraled downward and put my care in the wrong hands. My diagnosis for 3 years was pelvic dysfunction.

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